Technical Publications
Over 330 wells installed worldwide supported with more than 30 publications. AICV® technology is field-proven to increase oil production and manage un-wanted water and gas ‘autonomously’ based upon reservoir fluid properties.
Unlocking Value: Comparative Well Study Shows Energy and Cost Savings via Reduction in Water and Gain in Oil Using Autonomous Inflow Control Valve (AICV) in a Major Brownfield in The Sultanate of Oman
A. H. Al Lawati; M. Al Harthi; S. Al Riyami; R. Al Kindi, Petroleum Development Oman. A. Baqer; Y. Al Araimi; I. M. Ismail; A. Fahmy, InflowControl
SPE-219064-MS (2024)
Case Study: How the Newest Generation of Autonomous Inflow Control Device Helps to Control Excessive Wells Water Production within a Major Sultanate of Oman Oilfield
S. Buwauqi; A. Al Jumah; A. Shabibi; A. Harrasi, Petroleum Development Oman; M. Adb El-Fattah; T. Kalyani; A. Fahmy, InflowControl
OTC-31483-MS (2022)
Integrated Pressure Activated Valve with Autonomous Inflow Control Valve Technology Minimizes the Deployment Risks in Challenging Well Control Conditions
M. Abd El-Fattah; C. Nomme; B. Werswick, InflowControl
IPTC-22079-MS (2022)
Fieldwide Application of Autonomous Inflow Control Valve in Increasing the Field Recovery in One of the Matured Fields in the Sultanate of Oman: Case Study
S. Buwauqi; A. Al Jumah; A. Shabini; A. Harrasi, Petroleum Development Oman; T. Kalyani; A. Baqer; I. Mohd Ismail; A. Fahmy, InflowControl
SPE-208179-MS (2021)