More than 60% reduced water using AICV® technology

The case study shows the impact of the Autonomous Inflow Control Valve (AICV®) in a field traditionally plagued by high water cut and early water breakthrough. These watered wells comprise 40% of inactive strings creating significant challenges of preserving cost-effective oil production due to increased water-related complications.

Following a comprehensive technical evaluation, AICV® technology was selected as the preferred solution upon comparison with other mechanical water control options i.e. (sliding sleeves, autonomous inflow control devices (AICD / ICV).

Upon optimization of reservoir sensitivity studies, and the autonomous behaviour of the valve, the AICV® technology adapts dynamically to the flow profile of the well. This allows less bypassed oil coupled with the capability to completely shut off watered out zones within each compartment of the well.

The results showed dramatic improvements in water cut reduction and oil production increase with more than 60% reduction in water across both wells.

Download full case study to explore the detailed process and results.